We live in a time where conventional medicine has made great strides in developing tools such as MRI’s, CAT scans, and any number of blood tests. The Pharmaceutical industry creates new drugs regularly for the treatment of symptoms and named diseases. Meanwhile, the holistic approach to health care deals in herbal formulas, tweaking hormones naturally, balancing amino acids and many other methods for treating the body.
All the modalities above, whether conventional or traditional medicine, deal with the physical body. Homeopathy is different in that it deals with the energetic frequencies, or vital force of the body.
Asian cultures tapped into this phenomenon thousands of years ago with Acupuncture, Tai Chi, Qi gong and other means of adjusting the meridians and energy systems of the body. They have withstood the test of time, since millions of people all over the world use these methods with great success today.
Homeopathy too, has withstood the test of time. Since its inception over two hundred years ago by the German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann, Homeopathy has spread worldwide and is the second largest system of medicine practiced today.
How does the first heartbeat occur? How do cells divide? How does the digestive tract function? How does that pump we call the heart operate? Energy…it is the unseen magic of the natural functioning of the body. Homeopathy and Homeopathic remedies speak to the unseen energetic frequencies of the body. Unlike other systems of medicine that focus on the dense physical body, Homeopathy is “energy” medicine that goes to work balancing the vital force in and around the body.
The manufacture of Homeopathic remedies is a very different method than medicines developed for either conventional or traditional means. The technique for creating Homeopathic remedies, which are derived from plant, animal, or mineral substances, has numerous dilutions and succession (shaking). What remains has very little, if any, of the original physical ingredients. What does remain however, is the energy, or vital force of that substance locked within the molecules of the mother tincture. Every energy vibration has a particular signature, just like every radio wave tuning into a particular radio frequency.
This is a brief explanation of the method of manufacture of Homeopathic remedies. The technique for matching the correct remedy to the patient and their ailments is also quite unique.
We refer to it as case taking and it is a much more in-depth process than the norm, since the information gathering is specific. Beyond inquiring about childhood diseases and the history of injuries there is a more targeted line of questioning. It is commonplace to ask a patient what position they sleep in, what type of foods they crave, if there is a theme to their dreams, what are your fears, do they run hot or cold, or any unusual tendencies?
This type of questioning leads to a match with the patient and the energetic signature, or archetype, of a particular remedy. Fortunately, we now have specific computer software so that the search through three thousand plus remedies is much more efficient.
Having said all of this let’s return to the original point of the article. Why exactly has Homeopathy continued to grow, when it might seem like there are much more modern methods of healthcare?
We are energetic beings residing in physical bodies. Homeopathy is the modality that addresses this aspect of our being. When we dig deeper into our dense physical bodies and affect the energy matrix that instructs the elements of our bodies we affect healing at its deepest levels.
Synthetic drugs, dried herbs and compounded substances can be metabolized at a certain level, but every healthy cell in our body carries instructions through light and energy and Homeopathy has the ability to tap into this very life force.