“It is not the doctor who cures the illness, but the body that cures the illness.” -Hippocrates
Natural Medicine, Alternative Medicine, Complementary Medicine, and Holistic Medicine all refer to traditional modalities that use substances from nature to rebalance the body bringing it back to a healthy state. The substances most often used by holistic doctors, such as Homeopaths, Naturopaths, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Traditional Chinese Medicine doctors are derived from plant, animal or mineral components. Natural medicine follows the laws of nature and does not suppress symptoms, as chemical drugs can. They instead work with the innate intelligence of the body transferring information. This information is utilized by the bodies ability to know and understand what it needs to bring about health.
Homeopathic remedies are FDA approved, non-toxic and safe for all, including infants, the elderly and pets. (There are a few remedies not recommended during pregnancy.)
Homeopathy is a system of medicine developed between 1790 and 1843 by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician whose aim was to restore health to the sick through rapid and gentle means.
Homeopathy is the use of small doses of natural substances from plant, animal or mineral sources compounded into remedies. It is based on the ‘Law of Similars’, meaning a substance that creates a particular reaction can also neutralize the reaction.
Homeopathy is a system of medicine understanding that when a person is ill, he or she displays a unique set of symptoms through the mind and the body together. The combination of these mental, emotional and physical symptoms reflects the entire picture of the person’s health.
As an example, there is not one remedy for a cough. When treating Homeopathically, it is observed if the cough is wet or dry, what makes it better or worse and also the emotional state of the person. The answers to these questions lead to the correct remedy.
It is this combination of symptoms that Homeopathy embraces. Treatment begins by giving the remedy that best matches, and therefore is most suitable for the unique symptom picture. Prescribing in this way stimulates the body’s inherent ability to heal itself and not suppress an illness.
This may sound complex, but it is not. Anyone can refer to the simple symptoms addressed by each remedy and choose which is appropriate.
The important value of Homeopathy is understanding that if a remedy is not exactly correct in resolving symptoms, there are no side effects. The body does not utilize the information and you can move on to the next remedy that describes the situation.
Homeopathy is often referred to as energy medicine. This is because there is little of the original substance in the completed preparation. The remedies carry the magnetism, or vital force of the original organic matter it was created from and that magnetism moves forward the action of the remedy.
Science teaches us that everything is constructed from the atom, each atom being a nucleus with electrons rotating around it, in perpetual motion. This means all living, as well as “non-living” things vibrate to certain frequencies. Homeopathic remedies embody the frequencies of the original substances and impart them within the body to work with the immune system.
The following are specific to Homeopathy:
Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine utilized world-wide today. It is safe, convenient, efficient and inexpensive.
The information contained on this website covers self-prescribing for minor illnesses. However, Homeopathic medicine, at the hands of an experienced and highly trained practitioner with medical knowledge can be extremely effective in treating chronic disease. Homeopaths commonly treat patients who have a wide variety of conditions. Homeopathy has also been shown to be beneficial in treating mental and emotional disturbances, including anxiety, depression, fears, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), and other behavioral and learning issues. Homeopathy is especially useful in treating deeply suppressed and/or old issues.
If you feel you could benefit from Homeopathy, beyond the acute issues discussed on this site, seek the advice of a trained practitioner.