Homeopathy offers a number of cold and flu-fighting remedies. Find the right one based on your symptoms and how long you’ve been sick. Try a moderate 30c potency to start. 200c potencies are also efficient for acute conditions. All symptoms need not be present. Choose the closest match. If not enough improvement, move on to next suitable remedy. Remedies can be combined.
ACONITUM- Works best in the early stages of an illness, especially within the first 12 hours of cold or flu symptoms: heavy sneezing, a shallow dry cough, chills, and a flushed face.
BRYONIA– excessive dryness, such as stopped up nose, cracked lips, and a dry cough that hurts in the stomach. Combines well with Aconitum at first onset of symptoms. Combines well with Gelsemium.
GELSEMIUM- general flu symptoms; achy, heavy feeling, weakness and soreness; drowsy; chills up the spine; headache, possibly extended into the ear; sore throat, dizzy
NATRUM MURIATICUM- Ideal for general colds: regular sneezing, clear and thick mucus, post-nasal drip, and loss of appetite.
KALI BICHROMIUM- Clears out a cold’s last unpleasant phase, sinus headache, constant throat clearing, nose pain, and free-flowing mucus.
NUX VOMICA- For the cold that’s slow to arrive and slow to leave. The illness might include morning flair ups, heavy congestion, constant coldness, and a persistent dry cough that triggers frontal headaches. Sinus drains during the day and stuffed up at night.