Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a problem that affects the large intestine. It can cause abdominal cramping, bloating, and a change in bowel habits. Some people with the disorder have constipation, some have diarrhea, others may experience both. Although IBS can cause a great deal of discomfort, it does not harm the intestines.
IBS is a ‘modern’ condition that has developed in recent decades. It is usually due to a disturbance of the body’s chemistry rendering a deficiency in the colon. There may be pathogens in the intestines that have gone undiagnosed, or your body chemistry has been disturbed by antibiotics, steroids, or any number of chemical drugs. Even heavy metal poisoning can affect the gut in this way.
It is best to look deeper into the cause by having proper and thorough testing. Once you have the results you can make an informed decision about treatment, rather than palliating with more drugs. Some suggested testing:
Having said that, Homeopathy treats according to symptoms. Your symptoms reveal pretty accurately what remedies are called for. Any of the following, when taken over time, can help to bring back a more normal balance to the large intestine.
Irritable Bowels- bad stool with rumbling- Lycopodium 200 + Arsenicum Album 6c (2 x’s daily).
Bowels- hard stool- Lycopodium 200c + Plumbum 200C (2 x’s daily).
Bowels- prolapse with pain- Ruta grav 200C + Lycopodium 200C + Plumbum 200C (2 x’s daily).
Bowels- loose stool, gas & acidity- Arsenicum album 6C + Aloe 200c, (2 x’s daily).
Bloating- overindulgence in food or drink, or if there is incomplete stool- Chelidonium 30c + Nux Vomica 30c (2 x’s daily).
Constipation- with bleeding and pain- Sulphur 200C + Ratan 200C, (2 x’s daily).
Diarrhea- Veratrum album 200C (especially if patient is chilled easily or there is weakness) Add Aloe 200C if there is mucus in stool.
Fungal infection- Sulphur 200C + Arsenicum album 200C every other day with Helonias 200C (2 x’s daily); or Hepar sulph depending on symptoms.
Gastric distress with palpitations- Lycopodium 200C + Arsernicum album 6C (2 x’s daily) (can add the herb Hawthorn).
Gastro from food intolerances (especially gluten)- Bovista 200C, every other day or Ipecac 30C + Mercurius sulph 30C (2 x’s daily).
Stool that is hard, bashful, preceded by anger, frustration, fast food, etc.- Nux vomica 30C (2 x’s daily).
Undigested food in stool– China 30C + Arsenicum album 6C, (2 x’s daily).
***Remedies should be taken daily for at least 2- 3 months
Almost everyone with IBS has parasites. Here are some recommended parasite formulas I have had success with in my practice.
Cina 6c, three times per day for 4-6 weeks
Para A–
Parasite complex–
Freedom Cleanse Restore –