The following is a list of some of the most often used remedies to keep on hand in the event of minor illnesses and injuries. It is a PARTIAL list of their uses, since remedies from nature have built-in versatility. If you are serious about homeopathy, it is far less expensive to invest in a Homeopathic kit. There are many choices for sizes and potencies of kits on-line.
ACONITUM– trauma*, shock, sudden onset of colds/flu, fainting, insomnia, measles
ALLIUM CEPA– hay fever*, itchy eyes, runny nose
APIS- insect bites*, allergic reactions, hives, cystitis, sore throat
ARNICA– injury*, bruising, sprains, bleeding, pain, surgery, swelling
ARSENICUM ALBUM- food poisoning*, diarrhea, vomiting, fear, indigestion
BELLADONNA- colds, fever*, ear infection, headache, sunstroke
BRYONIA- cold/flu, cough, dizziness, (combine with Gelsemium for flu)*
CANTHARIS- bladder infections*, burns, cystitis,
CARBO VEGETABILIS- colic, indigestion, shock, fainting, exhaustion*
CHAMOMILLA- colic, teething, toothache, ear infections, insomnia, cranky child*
COCCULUS- dizziness, morning sickness, motion sickness*
COLOCYNTHIS- abdominal pain, colic, gas, sciatica, menstrual cramps*
EUPHRASIA– hay fever, measles, pinkeye*(conjunctivitis)
GELSEMIUM- colds*, stage fright, anxiety over exams, temple headache extended into ear
HEPAR SULPH CALCAREA- antibiotic substitute*, sinusitis, thick yellow discharges, drain abscess (dental)
HYPERICUM- wounds and surgery when there is nerve damage*
IGNATIA- grief*, fainting, insomnia, depression
IPECACUANHA- nausea, vomiting, morning sickness*
LEDUM- puncture wounds*, substitute for tetanus, insect bites
MAGNESIUM PHOS– leg cramps*, menstrual cramps, fractures, sciatica
MERCURIUS VIVUS– antibiotic substitute*, tonsillitis, lymph glands, earache
NUX VOMICA– hangover*, over-eating, over-drinking, abdominal pain, constipation, gas, nausea
PHOSPHORUS– bleeding*, cough, nosebleed, nausea, headache
RHUS TOX- joint pain, swelling, injury, better from movement
RUTA GRAV- joint pain, injury, swelling, WORSE from movement
SILICEA- slivers, strengthen hair and nails
SULPHUR- burning, throbbing, congestion, too much heat in the body, dry skin & hair
OSCILLOCOCCINUM- one of the best “go-to’s” as soon as you feel the effects of a flu coming on
CALENDULA- comes in cream or gel; for broken skin, enhances healing, brings down swelling and pain
ARNICA- comes in cream or gel; for all types of bruises, aches, pains, etc.
COLLOIDAL SILVER GEL- works especially well for burns, anti-viral, bacterial and fungal so it helps to ward off infection.