Children respond well to homeopathy and dealing with the emotions of a new situation is no exception.
Children just beginning school, changing schools, or even college age students leaving home for the first time may suffer from some anxiety, apprehension and even homesickness. To get them through these situations more easily, turn to homeopathy for relief.
PULSATILLA- This remedy is a classic for the child who is dependent and hides behind Mom or Dad. They cry when being left at school, are shy, soft, timid, easily influenced, weeps easily, has changeable moods and desires consolation.
LYCOPODIUM- These children have anxiety with lots of abdominal rumbling, gurgling and wind. They have fears, such as ghosts, being alone at night, of other people, or about their own health. They can have low self-confidence and as a result be bullying or domineering at times. Can even behave in an arrogant manner.
GELSEMIUM– A great remedy for the timid, quiet, reserved child, who has great anxiety. There are many complaints with the anticipation of going to school, which can cause fatigue and even trembling.
ARGENTUM NITRICUM- This child is extroverted and cheerful, but may have difficulty controlling emotions or actions. There can be anxiety with extreme agitation and desire to engage in conversation. They can be anxious about health, being alone or anticipating the future.
ARSENICUM ALBUM- The anxiety of this child will exhibit itself with vomiting, diarrhea, general stomach distress and restlessness. They have great fears, tend to be fastidious and perfectionist and are careful planners, wanting to be in control.
NUX VOMICA- This child exhibits impatience with anxiety, anger and frustration. They are easily offended, very competitive and will drive themselves until they collapse. These children also have great gastrointestinal sensitivities and can even have spasms or cramping.
Remember to consult a qualified Homeopath for clarification on remedies needed for your child and to further your knowledge of Homeopathic use.
Congratulations on getting those kids off to a great school year and come back and let us know what worked for you…