Acid reflux, GERD, indigestion, constipation, diarrhea seem to be the norm these days for one out of three people. What is the poor digestion epidemic about? It is truly a ‘modern’ dilemma, caused by a modern lifestyle.
The advent of highly processed foods, chemical preservatives and the lack of a sufficient intake of fresh seasonal foods is at the top of the list as a contributing factor to poor digestion.
The second contributing issue comes from a change in body chemistry due to pharmaceutical drugs. (See Blog post ANTIBIOTICS) We are a walking chemistry lab and drugs leave their mark in disturbing the important natural balance within the gut. This sets us up for sensitivities and reactions that then lead to digestive maladies.
The gut is your first brain. It feeds the important functions necessary to operate the entire body. If your digestion is compromised, you do not have the proper up-take of nutrients to consistently keep all the bodily functions in check.
Homeopathic remedies have shown to greatly improve many of the gut issues we face today. The following is a list of remedies I have used successfully over the years to help rebalance gut health.
The #1 Go-To when you have over indulged in food or drink is NUX VOMICA 30c. Whether it be an extra piece of cake, too much ice cream, difficulty digesting fats, or one beer too many; Nux is your choice. My son researched this remedy and used the information in a college debate class. Many of his classmates later told him that they were pleasantly surprised how well this remedy helped them with future hangovers. (He also got an ‘A’.)
Moving on to more serious protocols for gut health, the following treatments were developed by three generations of medical doctors in their clinic in Kolkata, India. The Banerji’s have been using state of the art medical test equipment, while healing with homeopathy, for over eighty years. The following should be taken for a minimum of 13 weeks. A dose is approximately 4 pellets. With their permission I share with you the following:
Remedies can be sourced on-line, in health food stores and some natural pharmacies.