It has been a difficult week surrounded by fires in S. California, as well as my son and his family losing their home to the Paradise fire in N. California.
Fortunately, they were able to escape safely in time with their two children and dog. Unfortunately, the chickens were left behind. Since the coop and immediate surrounding area was the only place that survived on the 3 ½ acre property we are hopeful they are roaming around pecking for worms. Even the Llamas across the street survived when nothing else did!
Since so many are surrounded by smoke at this time I wanted to share information about the ‘go-to’ remedies for smoke inhalation.
Here they are…
CARBO VEGETABILIS is the most common remedy for smoke inhalation and easy to find at any health food store. The symptoms are wheezing with cough and burning in the chest. Shortness of breath with the feeling of oxygen deprivation. Hoarseness, cough with itching in the larynx; sore and raw chest. Can have rattling of mucus in the chest. Better from cool air and worse in the evening, or from warm damp weather.
EUPHRASIA is the second most used remedy. It is for simple smoke exposure with irritation to eyes and possibly nose with no other symptoms. Eyes stream and burn, lids become red, swollen, and sensitive. Nose streams but does not burn. There may be a little daytime cough. The eyes stream on coughing.
KALI BICHROMICUM is for more serious smoke exposure with irritated sinuses and/or lungs. The nose is blocked; nasal discharge is dry or comes out in sticky or stringy “plugs.” Sinuses are sore, raw, irritated, and painful. Cough is painful, and chest is sore. Mucus is coughed up with difficulty and is scanty, sticky, or stringy.
ARSENICUM ALBUM is the remedy of choice when there is much anxiety. Eyes and nose burn and stream. Cough is dry and worse at night. Tremendous anxiety especially about what is going to happen accompanied by restlessness.
BRYONIA is for soreness in the larynx and trachea. There is hoarseness, that is worse in open air. Dry, hacking cough from irritation in upper trachea. The cough is dry at night and must sit up. Worse after eating or drinking.
CALCAREA CARBONICA is for a tickling cough that is troublesome at night. Painless hoarseness that is worse in the morning. Suffocating spells with tightness, burning and soreness in chest. Chest is sensitive to touch or pressure.
CAUSTICUM presents with hoarseness and pain in the chest. The larynx is sore with cough that creates raw soreness of chest, possible palpitations. Cough with pain that radiates to the hip. Better drinking cold water and cannot lie down at night.
NATRUM ARSENICOSUM is useful when the indicated remedies haven’t helped much or at all. There is great sensitivity to smoke, eyes are dry and painful. They stream and smart on going out into the smoky air. Sinuses feel blocked and are painful. Racking cough. Lungs feel full of smoke. There can be headache from the smoke.
EUCALYPTUS as a tincture or an essential oil affects the mucus membranes and can be used for people who do not breathe well from any cause. Those with Bronchitis, Asthma, smoke inhalation, and even from past drowning experience. Eucalyptus helps to oxygenate and improve lung capacity.
SILICEA will help the body to eject inhaled particles. The nose is dry and blocked with no sense of smell or taste. Sinuses are stuffed up and painful. There is a dry, irritating cough from inhaled particles with lumpy, yellow mucus.
Most of the remedies listed are easy to access in your local health food store; 30C potency is a good place to start. Repeat the remedy 2-3 times daily, as needed. If not enough resolve, move on to the next remedy with the closest matching symptoms.
Never hike or do strenuous activity when exposed to smoke.